
The Puppet Tool

This is a test using the puppet tool and the main character of the story. Here, i used the effect to animate hair and clothing, as well as give the character a subtle facial expression change. The image is separated into a different layer for the face, bangs, hair, eyes, and body as well as the respective outline for each. The method itself, in my opinion, is best used in moderation like any other effect.

Personally, i don't particularly like this effect in the way i've seen it used. Trying to do a full scale animation with the puppet tool isn't the most elegant way to animate anything really. I can't exactly call it cheating since something has to actually be worthwhile to be called cheating in the first place.

However, when used sparingly, the effect is pretty nice. I can have a nicely rendered image animate without having to actually really do anything (except keyframe every single little pin i put in).

The puppet tool is definitely no substitute for parenting, but when used together can probably make for some pretty powerful stuff. Interestingly, the puppet tool can compensate for the gaps when pieces are rotated too far when parenting.


  1. You Shir, are a brilliant puppeteer. I should have thought to do some of the things you did here, but sadly I did not. Now I know for future refferance.

  2. I love the idea visually, but still not extremely clear on the story, I get your approach technically, but still not sure where it's heading. I love the girl at the top and the scenes below are great!
