
Vanishing Point

Evidently the vanishing point tool in Photoshop can be imported in to After Effects, which is great because now i can easily turn some 2D shit into some 3D shit and impress my friends with my visual prowess. I just used a photo of an old wood mill for the wall, a picture of the oceans and some mountains and a photograph of a building from the Forbidden City.


  1. Very impressive, but without the text explanation it is hard to figure out what the 'walls' are until you can see the sides, but it's still a bit confusing even then.

  2. Background photo as well as the building look great. Bit confused about the vertical planes in the beginning, think it would work better without. Definitely a great use of the VP tool. The extruding building works great. I could see this being a presentation for a architect client or company!
