

So i'm having a few layer problems with the robot so i'm not sure if i need to let it stay this complex. i'm thinking of maybe replacing it with a better design, but i probably don't have tie for that whatsoever.



So Far

So far it looks cool, but i think the camera angles are a little to complex for how limited my assets are. When the camera moves, it breaks the tone for me. A this point, i'm cool with going down a more 2½D venue because all i have to do is fix the camera. I'm more comfortable with this and i feel i can get a more interesting and fluid project.



Scene 2 Staged



First Shot



Assets List

Shot 1

Shot 2
dragon dancers
misc. floats

Shot 3
dragon dancers
misc. float

Shot 4

Shot 5


Final Character Designs

i decided to switch my style up and go back to the way it used to was. i dropped the painterly look and am now going in a more familiar direction with a more vector look to get the style of animation i'm looking for. More after the jump.




The camera pans up viewing the mountain of a city

the camera cuts and takes us to the city streets where there is a halloween/carival styled celebration. Everyone walks around in masks

the camera cuts to reveal our heroine standing on top of a roof, surveying the city.

she smiles, dons her own mask

and jumps down to join the festivities.

we move back to see a parade in procession.

one of the floats is of a suspicious looking cardboard box.

the box float suddenly explodes releasing a handful of bots.

the bots run into the crowd and begin extracting the identities of the citizens

turning them into the monsters they were masked as.

The hero sees a woman being attacked by a strange creature and springs into action.

The bot looms over its vicim.

Suddenly our heroine comes crashing into the bot's face with a powerful punch, saving the vicim who runs away.

The other bots see this and stop, staring.

Then they run off. The heroine gives chase, but the mutated citizens surround her.

she manages to leap over the blockade

and begins to chase down the bots.

The bots make their way to the radio tower at the top of the city. They stop running and the heroine meets them.

The bots let out a long, loud screech.

The ground begins to shake. Suddenly the ground breaks away under the bots

and a gigantic Robot with four faces climbs out of the earth.

The Robot sends out a beam across the city extracting identities at a far greater volume than the bots. Our heroine is also effected.

However, since the heroine is masked as a superhero, her powers become amplified. She begins to attack.

The Robot throws a punch at the heroine, misses, driving his fist into the ground. the heroine runs up the arm and punches the Robot sending it staggering back.

While still in the air, the Heroine's scarf becomes stiff and sharp like a sword. She takes hold and swings, cutting the robot in half.

The Robot falls and explodes releasing all of the identities and changing the citizens back into humans.




The camera pans up viewing the mountain of a city

the camera cuts and takes us to the city streets where there is a halloween/carival styled celebration. Everyone walks around in masks

the camera ccuts to reveal our heroine standing on top of a roof, surveying the city. she smiles, dons her own mask and jumps down to join the festivities.

we move back to see a parade in procession. one of the floats is of a suspicious looking cardboard box.

the box float suddenly explodes releasing a handful of bots. the bots run into the crowd and begin extracting the identities of the citizens turning into the monsters they were masked as.

The hero sees a woman being attacked by a strange creature and springs into action.

The bot looms over its vicim. Suddenly our heroine comes crashing into the bot's face with a powerful punch, saving the vicim who runs away.

The other bots see this and stop, staring. Then they run off. The heroine gives chase, but the mutated citizens surround her.

she manages to leap over the blockade and begins to chase down the bots.

The bots make their way to the radio tower at the top of the city. They stop running and the heroine meets them.

The bots let out a long, loud screech.

The ground begins to shake. Suddenly the ground breaks away under the bots and a gigantic Robot with four faces climbs out of the earth.

The Robot sends out a beam across the city extracting identities at a far greater volume than the bots. Our heroine is also effected.

However, since the heroine is masked as a superhero, her powers become amplified. She begins to attack.

The Robot throws a punch at the heroine, misses, driving his fist into the ground. the heroine runs up the arm and punches the Robot sending it staggering back.

While still in the air, the Heroine's scarf becomes stiff and sharp like a sword. She takes hold and swings, cutting the robot in half.

The Robot falls and explodes releasing all of the identities and changing the citizens back into humans.


Character Sketches



Puppet + Parent Part 2

Here is a color version of the previous test. Right click (or ctrl+click for Mac) to view fullscreen. I'm liking the style a little more than i was at first. I still don't know if this is a definite direction i want to go in, but despite the arduous setup, its clear that this is a more forgiving solution than traditional animation.